The aim of the Adult Bible Class is to encourage and build up Christians in their faith and to challenge non-Christians of their need of Jesus. As we study the Bible together, we learn practical lessons and increase our knowledge of this wonderful Book.
Our class meets
In the Old Manse
From 10.30 – 11am
Each Sunday morning September – June
Everyone very welcome.
Contact: Roy
T: 028 8676 4111
Meeting fortnightly in four different home venues over Wednesday and Thursday evenings our Growth Groups provide an opportunity for all adults of our congregation to learn from and discuss God’s word and to be equipped for living the Christian life, They also provide a place to pray for one another, for the witness of our congregation and for wider issues. We would love to have you join with us.
Alternate weeks from October to April.
Contact: Tom Greer
M: 07801475587
Our mixed Bowling Club meets on Thursday evenings at 8pm in the Church Hall (from September – April). Good fun and friendship are our big aim, although we still like to win! We take part in the local Mid-Ulster Indoor Bowls League, where we enjoy the interaction with other clubs. So do come along and experience the craic.
This outreach ministry for men of all ages enjoys a wide range of activities from soccer matches and hill walks to men’s breakfasts with special guest speakers. Our aim is to see men won for Christ and to support one another on our Christian journey together. Why not join us at one of our events? We would love to see you there.
Contact: Nevin
M: 07716242302
Molesworth PW is open to women of all ages and provides a varied programme, meeting regularly in the Old Manse at 8pm on the second Monday of each month (October to March) and organising other special events from time to time. As an organisation, PW aims to highlight the need for love and unity, obedience to God, Christian living and spiritual maturity as well as using our gifts, time and money to serve others, with a particular focus on global mission.
If you could like to come along or find out further details please contact us
Contact: Heather
T: 028 8676 6998
The Tuesday Fellowship provides the opportunity to chat to others, to perhaps meet new friends and to enjoy a time of fellowship and friendship in a comfortable setting. As a group of retired/older people, we meet informally in the Church Hall on a monthly basis from September to April to listen to a visiting speaker, join in the singing and have afternoon tea together. We would love if you could join us, you are assured of a warm welcome.
For further details, please contact us
Contact: Christine
In recognition of our strong desire to continue the link between our Church and our older members of congregation who are often housebound, a team of volunteers undertakes home visits, as requested by the elderly. These valued members of our Church family hugely benefit from time spent with the two team members who hope to bring updates on church and everyday life, an empathetic word of encouragement and a listening ear.
Please let us know if you would like to help out as part of the team or of anyone in our congregation who may like a visit by contacting us
Contact: Carol Thompson
M: 07592323564 or 07889291055
Contact Us
Molesworth Presbyterian Church
69-71 Molesworth Street,
BT80 8PA
T: (028) 8676 6998
Minister: Rev Tom Greer
T: (028) 8676 6998
Pastoral Associate: Mr Roy Maxwell
T: (028) 8676 4111
Clerk of Session: Mr James Thompson
T: 07889 291055
Secretary of Committee: Mr Lawrence Knox
T: 07599 827573
Treasurer: Mr Gareth Cuddy
Musical Director: Mr Sam Cuddy
Caretaker: Mr Clarke Hill
T: 07793 313924